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Happy Minds would like to welcome David McDowall to our Reception Team.

David joins the team with previous health administration experience and has a detailed understanding of private psychology practice. We are confident that he will continue to uphold the friendly and compassionate support our reception team is known for. 

David's arrival comes as we say a heartfelt goodbye to our previous receptionist, Belinda. She has been pivotal in helping the team improve our work practices and supporting the needs of our clients. We have grown so much as a practice and her contribution cannot be over emphasised.

We wish Belinda and her family all the very best as they embark on a new adventure living overseas.

Happy Minds is located at 71A Frasers Road. We have enjoyed a great relationship with the owners of the property since moving here in 2017.

The owners of the property (including both the commercial and residential buildings) have recently changed. The new owners have made some changes to the property, including a new coat of paint for our building - complete with a distinctive pink door.


There will continue to be renovations at the residence next door. We have consulted with our property manager on maintaining client confidentiality, limiting noise where possible, and minimising any disruptions to day-to-day business.

We will continue with business as usual and can confirm our lease agreement will extend (at least) until late 2024. 

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about the process. 


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